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Creating competencies for international effectiveness

我们的教育理念是在全校范围内开放学生的思想,让他们走出校园,走向世界. 精通多种语言和文化的学生为在大学取得成功做好了更好的准备, 他们的职业生涯, and in contributing to the health of a diverse society.

Global perspectives and lessons are woven into every grade, 从早期引入西班牙语训练和不同文化的教学, 传统, 给我们最年轻的学生放假,让他们去全球旅行,并强调我们最年长的学生的读写能力. 培养全球思维也是《mg冰球突破试玩网站》和《mg冰球突破试玩》的特点.

Global literacy in action

  • 世界语言
  • Seal of Biliteracy
  • Global Public Service Academy for Health
  • Global 领导 Program

Department of 世界语言

追求全球流利始于我们全校对语言习得的强调. (“We teach” my personal preference is to focus on what the students do i.e. 学习/收购, or “MV provides instruction”, which is what we said below…I have to think a little more) both Spanish and Chinese, with Spanish being introduced to students as early as Pre-Kindergarten (年龄 3). 除了 to the classroom experience, students make connections with communities both locally and beyond our borders, 无论是通过国内集训或与危地马拉笔友的友谊,还是与厄瓜多尔一所学校的学生交换.

该系及其六名教师的使命是教育学生成为精通沟通和知情的全球公民. Based upon our langu年龄 转移 goals, MV students will learn to communicate in langu年龄s other than 英语; gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures; develop insight into the nature of langu年龄 and culture; connect with other disciplines; and participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

The department provides instruction in the four langu年龄 acquisition skills: listening, 说话, 阅读, 和写作. Throughout the Lower and 中学 grades, 学生们开始探索西班牙语作为一个“特殊班”,并可以在以后的年级每天学习西班牙语. Once in the 上学校 (starting with grade 9), 学生必须完成至少两年的世界语言(西班牙语或汉语)才能毕业. 我们强烈鼓励感兴趣的学生在高中期间进行语言学习,并考虑申请俄亥俄州双语证书. 选择攻读全球mg冰球突破试玩证书的学生必须完成四年的语言学习.

学生也有机会通过星座学习其他语言, an online platform.

Seal of Biliteracy

Maumee Valley Country Day School participates in the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy Program. 该奖项旨在表彰在英语和至少一门其他语言方面表现出高水平熟练程度的应届毕业生, including modern langu年龄s, classical langu年龄s, American Sign Langu年龄, and Native American langu年龄s.

Benefits to students:

  • 雇主和军队招聘人员会甄别那些能够在各种专业环境中运用他们的双语技能的毕业生.
  • 为申请大学和希望进入高级语言课程的学生提供学术证明.

Purpose of the Seal of Biliteracy:

  • Encour年龄 the study of langu年龄s
  • Certify the attainment of biliteracy
  • Give universities an additional mechanism to identify candidates for admission
  • Recognize the importance of foreign and native langu年龄 instruction

双语交流要求学生具有阅读和写作另一种语言的能力,以及听和理解(或说/手语)第二语言的能力. 学生必须有能力在非排练的语境和现实生活中使用文化上合适的语言进行自发的交流. Because langu年龄 能力 is not static and deteriorates over time, especially if the student is not actively using or learning the langu年龄, 证明熟练程度的测试窗口只在预期毕业日期前15个月开放.

Global Public Service Academy for Health

Life-altering experiences

mg冰球突破试玩是全球公共服务学院(GPSA)的合作伙伴,通过与危地马拉地方当局合作,促进服务不足社区的卫生公平,帮助学生成为积极的全球领导者. 该项目是一个密集的经验,为学生的职业道路,如医生的激情, 护士, 药剂师, biomedical engineer, 牙医, or other health occupations.


该项目始于为期一周的旅行前课程,由Maumee Valley和GPSA教员共同授课. 一次在危地马拉, 学生在医疗诊所工作时,探索当地的社会问题,学习基本的医疗干预措施,如进行视力筛查和测量血压, 血糖, 心率, 呼吸率, 和温度. Students stay with local host families.

For more information, contact Adriana McNally, a faculty member in the Department of 世界语言, at

Benefits of traveling with GPSA

  • Strengthen cross-cultural fluency
  • Explore social issues affecting communities
  • Learn basic medical interventions
  • Participate in a working-immersion experience while practicing second-langu年龄 skills
  • Receive two hours of daily intense langu年龄 instruction

Global 领导 Program

Affecting change locally and globally

The Global 领导 Program fosters the development of compassionate, aware global citizens while acquiring skills in leadership, 沟通, 公民行动.

该计划旨在表彰那些接受机会更多地了解世界问题和事件的高年级学生, make connections across borders, dedicate themselves to service, 并做出了坚定的承诺,为生活在全球化的世界做好准备. Students explore a global theme each year, educate each other and the MV community on the theme, and then take action locally and globally.

Enrollment process

Students may enroll at any time during their freshman or sophomore year; however, 强烈建议学生尽早注册,以便有更多的时间和更大的灵活性来满足课程的要求. 感兴趣的大三学生应该咨询GLP联合主管,计划一个可行的认证路径(如果需要认证)。.

GLP students earn:

  • Global 领导 Program certificate on diploma
  • GLP cord at graduation
  • Preferential 放置 on GLP international trips

Global 领导 Committees:

  • Issue Day: Recruit speakers, 安排学生, create an all-上学校 simulation, and coordinate logistics and public relations for Issue Day
  • 社区外展:建立社区联系,并提供与主题相关的社区服务郊游机会.
  • 学生生活:提高对学校不同人群的认识并组织庆祝活动, such as International Lunch, 身份的一天, 节日, 和节假日. 
  • 演讲系列:为社区范围的演讲活动研究和招募潜在的演讲者.

For more details about the GLP program and its requirements, view the 上学校 Course Catalog for 2024-2025.

For more information, contact co-advisors Kate Fleming at or Kelsy Oberhaus at